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Implementing Solutions

2020 Indigenous Communities Fellowship

How can Native innovators in the US use traditional knowledge and technology to drive social, environmental, and economic impact in their communities?

Submissions are Closed

Toolkit + More


  • The 2020 Indigenous Communities Fellowship Toolkit and supporting materials were built to assist Fellowship applicants in completing their solution submissions. Included in the Toolkit are resources about MIT Solve, the Fellowship, and application tools to help you successfully complete your online submission. Click here to download the Toolkit! 

Application PDF

  • At Solve we understand that having a stable connection to the internet isn’t always available in all of our communities. We have included a PDF copy of our application that can be used offline while drafting your solution. Our preference is that all solutions are submitted through our online portal—if this is not possible please reach out to us at and we will work to submit your solution by other means. Click here to download the Toolkit and find the application at the bottom!

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Twitter Posts

Native innovators are charting a bright future led by and for their communities. Have a solution that supports positive social or environmental impact? Apply to @SolveMIT’s #IndigenousCommunitiesFellowship today! $10k available.

@SolveMIT’s #IndigenousCommunitiesFellowship seeks solutions by Native innovators across the US that consider both technology and traditional knowledge to support and scale positive impact. Apply today:

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram Posts

Native innovators are charting a bright future led by and for their communities. Have a solution that supports positive social or environmental impact? Apply to @SolveMIT’s #IndigenousCommunitiesFellowship today! $10,000 in funding support is available for all selected Fellows, in addition to a resource needs assessment and participation in a regional summit and Solve at MIT.

@SolveMIT’s #IndigenousCommunitiesFellowship seeks solutions by Native innovators across the US that consider both technology and traditional knowledge to support and scale positive social, economic, and environment impact. Apply today for a chance at $10,000 in funding:

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