Organization Details

What is your organization's name?


What is your organization's classification?

Not registered as any organization

In what city, town, or region is your organization headquartered?

Ankara, Türkiye

Provide your organization’s mission and/or vision statement and list its core values.

Our organization is by no means non-profit, we just worked to help children learn how to get a better education.

How many products or programs does your organization operate? Please use numeric values only.


What stage of development is your organization’s product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project?

Pilot: An organization testing a product or program with a small number of users.
Team Lead Details

Who (first and last name) is the Team Lead for your application and LEAP Project?

Sevim Kalendergil

Describe the role the Team Lead plays in your organization. [100-200 words recommended]

Among the duties of the team leader, she worked to investigate the education system, to organize volunteering programs to improve the education system, to reduce the cost to zero, to make the education system more disciplined, more useful and enjoyable.

Explain how your Team Lead and supporting team members are well-positioned to effectively support the LEAP Project, given other priorities within your organization. [200-500 words - recommended]

It is a very good advantage for us that we are in the education system and that we are in contact with the ministers to talk and discuss the education system, and that the education system is modular, it is a very good advantage for us, it is also a very good advantage that we have everything when we can get help

Solution Details

One-line solution summary: In 20 words or less, summarize your organization's product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project.

We produced an application using geogebra for geometry lessons, and at the same time, we worked both technologically and manually by using origami.

Define the problem that your solution seeks to solve. [200-500 words recommended]

With the advancing technology, education and learning are also developing. Mathematics, one of the lessons that students have difficulty in comprehending, has also been affected by this change. The main purpose of our project is to support the teaching of geometry, one of the main branches of mathematics. For this, origami, which is the art of paper folding, is transferred to the virtual environment to support the geometry subjects.  A model has been developed. Our project; It is aimed at students of geometry and anyone who wants to learn geometry more easily. Using origami materials to teach geometry with visuals and in a more memorable way, our project is supported by many theorems. At the same time, it was tried to prove the bisector theorem of isosceles triangle and the isosceles triangle theorem in circle filling with trigonometry. By combining these two theorems, an origami design has emerged that supports the shape we have arrived at. At the same time, this origami was supported by using the Geogebra application. In addition, a modeling has been developed by adapting the geometry to today's technology for the trainers. It started with the Treemaker application, which is the first stage of this system. With the Treemaker application, the skeleton of origami was revealed in the virtual environment and the angle between the lines forming the skeleton was calculated. The shape revealed by Treemaker was later transformed into folded forms of our origami with the Oripa application. In addition to the origami we have done before, modular origami shapes are also included in our project. It has been shown that modular modern origami that may seem difficult is actually made more simply. This project ensures that the materials that the instructors explain to the students are presented in a more technological infrastructure. We think that if the subject of geometry is presented together with origami materials in mathematics lessons, students will learn more effectively and in a more fun way.

Describe your solution and how it works in simple terms. [200-500 words recommended]

In our project, one of the expressions seen in teaching is geometry. The first of the materials that come when teaching geometry is origami. How do you refer origami to training modules? Or how can geometry be explained more easily through origami in geometry class? The solution of these questions is mentioned. While addressing these parts, our project was supported by many applications. Explaining geometry through origami has helped both instructors in teaching. It facilitated his inner understanding and adapted the geometry teaching module through origami to the mathematics lesson.   If we want to explain our origami angles in the code sections with the Treemaker application and then the geometry over the folded form, the origami is folded and the finished form is presented by using the Oripa application at the end of the determined fold. At the same time, lastly, interpretations were made on shapes such as triangles and expansions, and by facilitating this process, studies on mathematics were supported. November 11 is celebrated as Origami Day. At the same time, Treemaker and Oripa applications can be easily used and printed on Origami Day. This project encourages educators and resources to also promote origami on Origami Day.

Select the key characteristics of your target population. Select all that apply.

  • Women & Girls
  • LGBTQ+
  • Pre-primary age children (ages 2-5)
  • Primary school children (ages 5-12)
  • Rural
  • Peri-Urban
  • Poor
  • Low-Income
  • Middle-Income
  • High-Income
  • Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
  • Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations

In which country or countries does your solution currently operate?


Upload your solution's Theory of Change or Logic Model.

Where would you place your solution on Nesta's Standards of Evidence?

Level 5: You have manuals, systems and procedures to ensure consistent replication and positive impact.

To date, what research/studies has your organization conducted that have helped demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution? [200-500 words recommended]

First, we got support from materials, such as articles about geometry, and then we got support about technology, such as geogebra and oripa applications that enable us to develop applications, the other step is to present this education system to the educators and get their opinion, and finally we made a survey to the students about this education system. We achieved 98% success by applying this data. After completing our course, we measured this data by taking an exam.

What has the research/studies you have conducted revealed about your solution and how did it inform your work moving forward? [200-500 words recommended]

The advancement of technology in teaching techniques has also been reflected in mathematics. Origami and origami-related theorems were used in this project, which aims to learn geometry more easily and to increase education. Combining theorems in a circle fill  The isosceles theorem has been created and these theorems have been visualized with the art of paper folding. This subject, which has also been addressed by other faculty members, is carried out in our project by using different software applications. Combining origami and geometry is open-ended and authorized to obtain permission. Combining the bisector theorem of the isosceles triangle with trigonometry and the isosceles triangle theorem within the circle fill, our design for origami is geared towards the handle. This executive, which performs production activities, is mixed folding because certain shapes work with a limited size.  could not be converted into visual origami. Although it does not create restrictions in daily use, it focuses on the use of a more advanced program for original structures mixed with a higher level. Treemaker, Geogebra, Oripa applications would be more functional and advanced, and 21st century designs with origami would yield much easier results.

LEAP Project Details

Describe your organization's need to strengthen the evidence base of your solution. [200-500 words recommended]

Increasing the data of the studies on mathematics or increasing the science houses will make it very good to increase the studies such as having mathematics space camps and having mathematics science camps everywhere as possible to encourage everyone who wants to learn mathematics in this way.

What are 2-3 research questions that you would like your LEAP Project to help you answer? [100 words recommended]

Can we reconcile the metaverse with mathematics?, can we bring mathematics to life with new technology? What would it be like if we could reconcile metaverse with math?

What type of research/studies do you think will help answer your stated questions? Select all that apply.

  • Foundational research (literature reviews, desktop research)
  • Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)
  • Summative research (e.g. correlational studies; quasi-experimental studies; randomized control studies)

Please elaborate on your selection above by describing your desired outputs of the 12-week LEAP Project sprint. [200 - 500 words recommended]

 The biggest support of the leap project is the development of e projects with its expert staff, which contributes a lot to our project because we developed and presented our project depending on technology, which means that the importance of technology in our lives increases in e projects.

How will your organization put these outputs into action? [200-500 words recommended]

The biggest support of the leap project is the development of e projects with its expert staff, which contributes a lot to our project because we developed and presented our project depending on technology, which means that the importance of technology in our lives increases in e projects.

Describe your desired short-term and long-term outcomes of the 12-week LEAP Project sprint for both your organization and solution. [200-500 words recommended]

The biggest support of the leap project is the development of e projects with its expert staff, which contributes a lot to our project because we developed and presented our project depending on technology, which means that the importance of technology in our lives increases in e projects.

Solution Team

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