Carbon Contributions


Carbon-Neutral Syngas by ATCO

Repurposing fossil fuel infrastructure to produce renewable natural gas

Team Lead

Ed Cullinan

Basic Information

Our Solution

Carbon-Neutral Syngas by ATCO

Our solution's stage of development:


Our solution:

Use renewable energy, CO2 sequestered from air, and H2O to create syn-gas that can be stored or used for heating or electricity generation.

Our pitch:

Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel available; changes to environmental policies and public perception is prompting the gas industry to explore other positions in the energy industry. Renewable technologies are continually growing in efficiency and popularity while decreasing in cost. However, the prompt phasing out of fossil fuel infrastructure will waste millions of dollars of facilities. Instead of immediately focusing on installing new facilities, it is our belief that producing carbon-neutral renewable natural gas (RNG) and using existing infrastructure can be an integral part of the economical carbon-free solution today and in the future.

The problem:


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Why our solution will solve the problem:


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Solution Team

  • Ed Cullinan Senior Engineer, Research and Innovation, ATCO Pipelines and Liquids
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