Solution overview

Our Solution

Wagga for Early Learners


Using a Game Application to Support Children with Learning Needs in Language and Literacy

Pitch us on your solution

In South East Asia, most children grow up in multilingual and multicultural environment. Learning to read and speak in English can be a struggle for children whose first language is not English, especially those who fall behind in their basic literacy skills compared to their same-aged peers. Appropriately developed mobile application with foundational skills are potentially useful as a facilitation tool to support children with learning needs in literacy and language. Wagga offers a low cost solution in a form of an Android-based game app for children with weakness particularly in visual discrimination skills and vocabulary to help them face tomorrow.

What is the problem you are solving?

Attention is a critical role in information processing, and its adequate functioning is required for the correct development of complex cognitive abilities and regular scholastic progress. It plays a vital role in the acquisition of academic skills, such as reading. The correlations between inattention and reading achievement were the strongest and most consistent. Kindergarten inattention was associated with poorer kindergarten reading achievement, hence early intervention to support children to develop foundational skills in literacy and language, is the utmost importance.

Who are you serving?

Children who grow up in multicultural environment especially with weakness in visual discrimination and vocabulary skills are often struggling developing the foundational skills in literacy and language. 

What is your solution?

Appropriately developed mobile application with foundational skills are potentially useful as a facilitation tool to support children with learning needs in literacy and language. Wagga offers a low cost solution in a form of an Android-based game app for children with weakness particularly in visual discrimination skills and vocabulary to help them face tomorrow.

Select only the most relevant.

  • Reduce barriers to healthy physical, mental, and emotional development for vulnerable populations
  • Enable parents and caregivers to support their children’s overall development

Where is your solution team headquartered?


Our solution's stage of development:

More about your solution

Select one of the below:

New application of an existing technology

Select from the options below:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning

Select the key characteristics of the population your solution serves.

  • Children and Adolescents
  • Peri-Urban Residents
  • Urban Residents
  • Low-Income
  • Middle-Income
  • Persons with Disabilities
About your team

Select an option below:


For how many years have you been working on your solution?

3 months

Partnership potential

What types of connections and partnerships would be most catalytic for your solution?

  • Distribution
  • Funding and revenue model
  • Legal
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Media and speaking opportunities

Solution Team

  • Talitha Amalia Director, Education and Development, Solve Education!
  • Farah Aulia Solve Education!
  • Rafdi Pranata Senior Officer, Sustainability & Partnership, Solve Education!
  • Janine Teo CEO, Solve Education!
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