Works like an ID Card. Made like a Credit Card.
Rather than reinventing the wheel, let's leverage what the Credit Card industry has already solved. We'll optimize it for ID verification, and we're done! It becomes a brand new Identity system that is as robust as a credit card and useful as a passport.
Elevator pitch:
Solution location:
Portland, OR, USASolution's stage of development:
IdeaWhat makes the solution innovative:
With the use of industry standards for security (e.g., the EMV chip, 2-step verification, and PCI compliance.) Many security features which are sewn into credit card products can now be sewin into ours.
How the solution demonstrates 'privacy by design':
With the use of industry standards for security (e.g., the EMV chip, 2-step verification, and PCI compliance.) Many security features which are sewn into credit card products can now be sewn into ours.
How the solution can be incorporated into digital identification systems:
The system uses the same method as bank cards, so identification already exists. Back-end technology already exists. What still needs to be created is a way for a tablet to show identity information. That is accomplished through the Verify App.
How the solution is 'user-friendly':
Since the ID card itself functions as a credit card, there is no learning necessary. The only areas where usability is a factor is in the web apps that show identity. In those ways, usability is part of a QA task inside the development cycle of creating the necessary websites.
How the solution ensures interoperability:
The tool uses pre-existing interoperability of credit card processing. So such standards already exist and are working.
How the solution accounts for low connectivity environments and for users with low literacy and numeracy levels:
Low connectivity is accounted for by the fact that at the cards function like credit cards since they follow the same standards, information can be obtained from external ATMs as well as bank tellers. Cards will process using a standard terminal. Literacy only needs to be high enough to enter a password or a PIN. No actual messaging is necessary.
Vision over the next three to five years to implement or grow the solution to affect the lives of more people:
The identity system will be first introduced in a cluster of countries, where credit card manufacturing is already established. Credit card issuers and providers will bid for the chance to manufacture the cards at their facilities. Winning bidders will be awarded their brand on the back side of the card. Each new region will be identified based on available providers and manufacturers. Wherever credit cards are used, this ID system can be used as well
How the solution team is organized:
Not Registered as Any OrganizationSolution lead:
Other (Please explain below)Solution leadership:
Private Contractor
How many people work on the solution:
1-5Solution age:
Less than 1 yearThe organizations applicants are currently working with:
To create the design of the product, I'm alone, but since most of the product exists already, much of the work will involve working with manufacturers and industry groups. They will likely be specific which companies can serve the regional areas where these ID cards are planned to be used. When vendors and providers have been decided, then relevant organizations will be collaborated with.
Applicant skills that can attract the different resources needed to succeed and make an impact:
Skills are not as important. The key attraction for vendors and providers is opportunity. For relevant vendors, developing countries represent a new growth market, and creating an ID card with payment capabilities will serve as the beachhead. Vendors are going to want to partner with this product becuase it will help them to penetrate new markets.
Revenue model:
The revenue model is simple in that it simply matches the revenue models of existing credit card companies. There are only a few aspects where we differ. Namely that we will penetrate government instutiions to allow officials to process payments for fees using this service as a credit card. We are essentially adding new credit card markets. Locations that have been incompatible with traditional operation will, with this card, now be able to work.
Reason for applying to the Mission Billion Challenge:
I've been in the field of eCommerce for over 18 years, and I've found that there is a lot of potential for improvement within developing counties. As I've grown older, I found myself wanting to help in any way I can.
Key barriers to the solution:
I think a lot of the barriers are simple logistics. My solution requires dialog between manufacturers that serve the geographical regions where the solution will operate. It involves discussing, and landing a solution that works for both sides.
There's also a development cycle for the ID verification app that is recommended, however, we will do what we can to use existing apps.
Solution Team
Mr. Matthew Spellman Product Designer, Matthew Spellman
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Solution Name
All-In-One Card