Presented with
Implementing Solutions

Sustainable Urban Communities

How can urban communities increase their access to sustainable and resilient food and water sources?

Submissions are Closed

Arts & Culture Mentorship Prize Judges

Laura Callanan

Founding Partner, Upstart Co-Lab

​Rachel Goslins

Director, Arts & Industries Building, Smithsonian Institution

Leila W. Kinney

Executive Director of Arts Initiatives and of the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST)

Scot Osterweil

Creative Director, Education Arcade; Research Director, MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing Program

Paul Sznewajs

Executive Director, Ingenuity


Mariana Arcaya

Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Public Health, MIT

Alain Chuard

Entrepreneur. Former Googler. Founder & Chief Product Officer at Wildfire (acquired by Google)., Wildfire Interactive, Inc.

United States

Lisa Dickson

Resilience Leader, Arup

Hervé P. Duteil

Managing Director, Regional Coordinator for Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Finance, Americas, BNP Paribas

Nadia el Hadery

CEO and Founder, YFood

Thomas Ermacora

Urbanist, Technologist, and Futurist, Machines Room, Clear Village & Recoded City

United Kingdom

Dr. Chandra Madramootoo

James McGill Professor of Bioresource Engineering, McGill University; Visiting Scholar, Water and Food Security, MIT

Chelina Odbert

Co-Founder and Executive Director, Kounkuey Design Initiative

Victoria Ransom

Founder & CEO, Wildfire

Kazunao Sato

Senior Manager, Legacy Planning and Produce Department, Dentsu, Inc

Gunhild Stordalen

President and Founder, EAT Foundation

Ryan Whalen

Director, Initiatives and Strategy, The Rockefeller Foundation

Judging Criteria

Solutions will be evaluated based on the following criteria.


The solution addresses the challenge that has been set forth using technology.


The solution can be grown and scaled to affect the lives of more people.

Potential for Impact

The planned implementation of the solution has the potential to impact lives, and the theory behind how it will work makes logical sense.


This is a new technology, a new application of a technology, or a new process for solving the challenge.


It is feasible to implement the solution, and the team has a plan for the solution to sustain itself financially.

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